To be a Father

17 Introduction where the future relies on another name, a par- ticular Hebrew name: Yeshua —“God saves.” • The French author Charles Péguy spoke of “mar- ried men, fathers of families, those great adven- turers of the modern world.” The father, who is not an expert, lives in hope. This post-modern condition offers a glimpse of a Joseph more top- ical than ever. The life he welcomes with this little one is the Logos , Reason itself, beyond all human reason. With him, the child has no need of vindication through our wisdom: rather, we acknowledge that wisdom is vindicated by all our children (Lk 7:35); we learn that heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away (Mt 24:35). The example of this father, totally in the hands of the Eternal Father, helps us to strengthen faltering hands that, in the midst of the storm, continue building a dwell- ing place.